upcoming EVENTS

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Our regular, weekly and monthly ministries are highlighted below. Click an image for details.

  • Get Church Center
    ~ Stay Connected

    Click the image above

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  • Worship with Us
    Sundays at 9:30 am

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  • Adult Classes

    Classes for all ages

    Sundays at 11:00 am

    Click the image here and sign up to join this class.

  • Grace Kids

    Sunday Nights at 6-7:15 PM

    Type content here...

  • Grace Pres Youth
    Sundays, 6-7:15 PM

    Come enjoy games, music, teaching, small groups and more. Youth Group is for grades 6-12 and meets Sundays, 6-8 PM at church. Questions? Contact Pastor Nick Stalnos. The purpose of Grace Pres Youth is to guide students to maturity in Christ, commitment to the Church, and outreach to the world.

  • Women of Grace
    Classes & Events

    Our aim is to encourage and connect with one another around God's Word. We hope you will join us. We would love to let you know about our upcoming classes and fellowship events for women.

    Connect with us here. Check your email inbox for an invitation to our next event!

  • Mens Breakfast
    Second Saturdays
    7:30-9 am

    Click the toast here to sign up this month so we know how many breakfasts to prepare for.  Looking forward to seeing everyone there!  Thanks!

    Good time for food and fellowship:

    • Orange Juice - Gourmet Coffee
  • Mens Ministry
    Bible Study
    Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

    Our Men's Ministry hosts a bible study in the Fall and Spring, with a break for Winter.  Come early for food and fellowship at 6:00 pm. We also host a monthly men's breakfast each second Saturday morning.

    Men, click the image here to stay connected with our men's ministry and events by email. Check your email to RSVP for our men's breakfast next month.

  • You don't have to miss a sermon!

    Listen now or subscribe

    We look for you on Sundays but when we have to be apart, don't forget you can listen to Sunday's worship service live here on our website!  Add the link to your Favorites or your desktop so you can find it easily each week.

    DID YOU KNOW you can get a notification on your smartphone each week when the Sunday sermon recording becomes available?  On your phone, go to the 'App Store' ( 'Google Play'  for Android phones) and search for, then add, the 'Podcast' app.

    Open your Podcast app and search for our 'Grace EP Church' podcast. Choose to  'Add' our Grace Sunday podcast to get all our Sunday sermons available together on your device.

    Lastly, 'Subscribe' to receive a notification when Sunday's weekly sermon becomes available!  Please call Christy in the church office if you would like more information or assistance.

  • Church Directory

    If we have your recent family photo, you can open the directory here now

    As a part of our congregation, you can always have the most recent church directory just by entering your email address and a password. Know and connect with our church family at Grace.

    On your home computer, click this green link: members.InstantChurchDirectory.com.

    1. Enter your email as listed in the directory and pick an easy password. 
    2. Go to your email inbox and open the confirmation email, and click the link to verify it's you.
    3. Re-enter your email and that password you just chose for a one-time login.

    That's it, you're in!  [Tip: Save the green link above to your desktop and favorites to keep the directory handy.]

    On your phone or tablet, download the 'Instant Church Directory' app from the 'App Store' (for iPhone) or 'Google Play' (for Android).

    Questions? Please click here to email or call Christy at the church office. I hope you will find this directory as helpful as I do daily to know and serve our church family at Grace!

  • GriefShare

    Click this icon
    to call or sign up

    Visit or join this group.  All are welcome to register here.  GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who walk alongside you as you go through one of life’s most difficult experiences—losing a loved one. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Led by people who understand, you'll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you with your loss and rebuilding your life. View the details for the group here or call the office number for more information at 410-798-5300. 

Grace presbyterian Church

In 2018, we celebrated 25 years sharing God's grace in South County and beyond!