Women of grace

That every woman would know Christ personally and be committed to extending His Kingdom in her life, home, church, community, South County and throughout the world as we pray, study the Scriptures, fellowship and serve the Lord together.

    Renee Wilson

    Successful women’s ministries include an intentional, deliberate approach to female discipleship as men and women were created differently and these differences need to be recognized and addressed in discipleship.  Our goal is to provide opportunities for personal growth and discipleship through activities such as bible study and Sunday school. 

    Cyndie Friese

    The covenant community is a family. The focus of the Community Team is to build a strong community among women. Additionally, the team will work towards building community with other members, age groups and ministries of Grace as well as extending the boundaries to reach those outside the church.


    Sisters in Christ Ministry

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bible study
sUNDAY school class, at 11:00 AM  
bible study, TUESDAY AT 7:00 PM

Ever feel as though you would like to know the Bible better? Do you desire more meaningful friendships with the women you see every Sunday at Grace Church? Are you curious about how the Scriptures intersect your life today?  You are not alone!  

Join us in a study of the Bible. Discipleship classes are offered for all ages on Sunday mornings after the first service, including a women's Sunday School class . A grace-filled, guilt-free study also meets online through Zoom on Tuesday evenings. Join us if you would like, or feel free to pop in. 

Successful women's ministries include an intentional, deliberate approach to discipleship as men and women were created differently and these differences need to be recognized and addressed. Our aim is that we connect to one another around God's Word, and encourage each other. Sign up here for the women's classes.

  • Thessalonians 1 & 2
    11:00 am

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  • Womens Bible Study (Zoom)
    Online at 7:00 pm

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  • Womens
    Bible Study
    Wednesdays at Grace at 6:00 pm

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Walk with us!

The covenant community is a family. The focus of our Community Team is to build a strong community among women. Additionally, the team works toward building community with other members, age groups and ministries of Grace as well as extending the boundaries to reach those outside the church.

We hope you will join us for our next fellowship. You're sure to be blessed. We look forward to hearing from You!

Women of Grace