
Jesus told his original followers to go out from Jerusalem and share the message of His teachings, life, death and resurrection. This Good News has literally changed the course of human history; from that small band of followers, billions of people have heard and believed this message. Our mission is to continue to share this Good News. 

local and Global

The international character of the Church of Jesus Christ is a witness to the world-changing nature of his message.


As a church rooted in the soil of Southern Anne Arundel County, we desire to be a good neighbor to those around us by engaging with the needs of our community and our region. Jesus tells us that as we care for those who are in need around us, we are also caring for him. Our desire is to be a source of the mercy and good news of Jesus to everyone that we meet.

A FREE Food Distribution is held in the church parking lot every Saturday morning (8AM until food runs out), rain or shine. No signup needed. If you would like to help with the Food Ministry, please sign up here, or contact Rusty Allen.


We partner with Mission to North America (MNA) to support our regional disaster response team and their broader mission to serve and strengthen the church across our nation. Find out about the diverse ministries of MNA that strengthen the church to serve, grow and multiply.


At the same time, we are citizens of the Kingdom of God which lives in the hearts of every believer across the globe. Partnerships are important to us that we can give and receive from the church in many other parts of the world. We partner with many different missionaries and groups, including Mission to the World (MTW), who are working to plant churches, train pastors, translate the Bible into new languages, and reach out to the marginalized and vulnerable.


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20a)